Rotary $10000 Ag Scholarship Silent Auction

Thursday Mar 07


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Please register and bid on the many items donated by Lethbridge and District businesses.  For successful bidders, payment will be made using your attached credit card.  You will be contacted and delivery will be arranged March 8th 2024.

The 2024 AG Scholarship is southern Alberta’s most coveted award for post-secondary undergraduate agriculture students. At least two scholarships valued at $10,000 each, will be awarded to successful applicants. This worthy cause is run by the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East. Learn more.  

This online auction is open from February 5,2024  and bids close at 8 pm, Thursday, March 7, 2024 during the Rotary Ag Scholarship Awards Dinner which is being held at the Coast Plaza Hotel, Lethbridge.  For tickets to the Awards Dinner:  

To view the bidding please register by pressing the login/register button in the top right-hand corner of this page and follow the prompts. To actively bid you can upgrade from a viewer to a bidder by registering a credit card within our system.  If you are already registered as a bidder, please proceed to the auction by pressing the same button and entering your username and password.

Once registered, you can place an active bid (manually advance the bid in real time), or you can leave a max bid (the system will automatically bid up to that amount on your behalf - you may be successful at a lower value, but only if you are not outbid by another bidder).   If you hold the current high bid a crown icon will appear in the top left hand of the item.  

If you are the high bidder when time runs out, you are the successful bidder.  Credit cards that were used to register will be charged within 24 hours.  Successful bidder will be contacted and arrangements for delivery or pickup of items will be made. 

Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd. is proud to offer auction services to this event and to be a long time support of this worthwhile endeavour.