90 Impressive Red Angus Simm X Blk Angus Simm X Hfrs Consisting of:
70 BBF & BWF Hfrs
Bred to low birth wt (71lbs) Soderglen Blk Simm Sodgerglen Bulls.
Bulls in June 1st. Out July 15th for a 45 day breeding program.
Expected to calve, March/April.
20 RBF, RWF Hfrs
Bred to low birth wt (71lbs) Soderglen Red Angus Bulls
Bulls in June 1st. Out July 15th for a 45 day breeding program.
Expected to calve, March /April.
***All heifers have been pail fed and are quiet. These heifers are the top selection out of our bred heifer program.
Full herd health program; Bovi-Shield Gold FP5, Ivomec