JASON BEIER - Herd Dispersal
90 Top End Blk & Red Angus Simm X Bred Females Consisting of:
20 Red, RBF & Blk, BBF Hfrs
Bred to Low Birth Wt (68lb to 71lb) Blk Angus Bulls.
Bulls out June 20th for a 60 day breeding program.
30 Red, RBF & Blk, BBF, 2nd Calvers
20 Red, RBF & Blk, BBF, 3rd Calvers
20 Red, RBF & Blk, BBF, 4th calvers to mature
Cows are bred to Blk & Red Simm Bulls
Bulls in June 22nd for a 65 day breeding program.
Full Herd Health Program;
Hfrs: Vaccinated in fall as calves and again with spring turnout; Express 5 & Tasvax 8
Cows: Vaccinated pre-breeding with Express 5, Tas vac 8,
Owners Notes: 80% of the cows are 1 iron
Str calves weaned off cows Oct/24
Hfr calves weaned off cows Nov/24.
Cows & Hfrs grazed on crop residue until Dec/24. Then bale grazing at home.
These Cows have been handled and calved out around horseback, ATV and on foot. Majority of the summer they grazed in hotwire grazing cells and were moved easily between paddocks.
Enjoy this group of solid cows